Teed off: Golf balls the new eco-problem

From CNN:

Research teams at the Danish Golf Union have discovered it takes between 100 to 1,000 years for a golf ball to decompose naturally. A startling fact when it is also estimated 300 million balls are lost or discarded in the United States alone, every year. It seems the simple plastic golf ball is increasingly becoming a major litter problem…

Suggestion: Punish mulligans as a hate crime against nature?

4 thoughts on “Teed off: Golf balls the new eco-problem”

  1. Predictably laughable. Golf balls must be one of the most recycled resources on the planet. Golf clubs make money by retrieving a vast majority of the lost balls and reselling them back to the golfers at the clubhouse.

    Imagine that, a free market driven recycling solution. What a concept!

  2. It’s clearly social treason now not to attempt, at the risk of your own life, to retrieve your errant 2-iron strike (only God and Tiger Woods can hit that club anyway)…

  3. Hilarious. I can only imagine the quality of the science being done at the Danish GOLF Union.

    I wonder if any of these scientists are aware that golf balls are predominantly made from NATURAL RUBBER, an naturally occurring product of the Havea Brasiliensis tree. Furthermore zinc is used only in trace amounts as a processing aid, and the amount of zinc present in a golf ball is not significantly different that the amount of zinc in a similar mass of dirt. Golf balls get their “white” from Titanium Dioxide, a naturally occurring compound extracted from dirt, and get their hardness from crosslinking via elemental sulphur which is as natural as natural is.

    Unless I’m wrong, dirt and tree parts sitting at the bottom of a lake for 100 to 1000 years is not any perceived threat to mankind or the environment. The Danish Golf Union needs to get a hold of Al Gore and polish up on the finer points of alarmism. They’re still a little “green” at this point…

  4. Did Nessie choke to death on a golf ball in the Loch?

    No wonder Monsters are an endangered species!

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