The twisted green mind…

The ad below was developed by the World Wildlife Fund, allegedly in an attempt to dramatize the death toll from the  2004 Asian tsunami. The ad’s caption reads:

“The tsunami killed 100 times more people than 9/11. The planet is brutally powerful. Respect it. Preserve it.

Thw WWF’s message is, of course, a subliminal warning about the much-dreaded global warming.

Following the Asian tsunami, I wrote a column for — “Enviros Surf Tsunami Tragedy” — pointing out how the greens were trying to exploit the tragedy by linking the tsunami to global warming.

The greens complained to about my column to no avail. (See note at end of column.)

Now, more than four years after the tragedy, the greens are still lyin’ and denyin’.

Click here for the story in The Guardian.


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