‘Carbon Criminal’ WANTED Poster Campaign Goes to G-20 Meeting in Pittsburgh

Wanted Poster Alcoa Sketch Final
‘Carbon Criminal’ WANTED Poster Campaign Goes to G-20 Meeting in Pittsburgh

JunkScience warns public to be on look-out for Alcoa CEO Klaus Kleinfeld, the ‘Carbon Villain’

WASHINGTON, Sept. 23 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — JunkScience.com announced today that it was taking its “Carbon Criminal” WANTED poster advertisement campaign to Pittsburgh for the G-20 economic summit. The campaign will protest the CEO of Pittsburgh-based Alcoa, Klaus Kleinfeld, who is lobbying for the Waxman-Markey cap-and-trade legislation that will wreck the U.S. economy.

“Klaus Kleinfeld personifies the non-thinking corporate stampede toward economy-killing and environmentally-ineffectual greenhouse gas regulation,” says Steve Milloy, publisher of JunkScience.com and author of the Amazon.com Best-selling book “Green Hell: How Environmentalists Plan to Control Your Life and What You Can Do to Stop Them.”

The purpose of the WANTED poster campaign is to spotlight the CEOs who belong to the U.S. Climate Action Partnership (USCAP) and who have teamed up with America-hating green groups to lobby for legislation that would make energy dramatically more expensive and that would eviscerate the American dream and standard of living, while not accomplishing anything positive for the environment.

At the G-20 protest, protesters from JunkScience.com will wear sandwich boards featuring the WANTED poster for Klaus Kleinfeld, the “Carbon Villain.”

The Kleinfeld WANTED poster notes that after Alcoa announced the layoff of 15,200 workers in January 2009, it then had the temerity to boast that its “operational excellence” reduced its greenhouse gas emissions by 3 percent from 2007 to 2008.

“Kleinfeld cut 15% of his workforce due to the global economic slowdown and then boasts about CO2 emission cuts that amount to avoiding less than 0.005% of atmospheric CO2 accumulation,” observed Milloy. “If I were a CEO that just laid-off that many employees, the last thing I would be doing is touting nonsense in support for policies that would keep those workers unemployed,” Milloy added.

“Alcoa’s profitability depends on U.S.-led and energy-intensive global economic growth,” Milloy said, “but Kleinfeld nevertheless courts disaster by lobbying for the Waxman-Markey cap-and-tax bill that will make energy needlessly expensive, sabotage economic recovery, and hamstring future economic expansion — all while doing nothing positive for the environment.”

JunkScience’s WANTED poster campaign kicked off last week by running a poster advertisement of John Rowe, the CEO of USCAP member Exelon Corp., on the Drudge Report in Exelon’s hometown of Chicago. JunkScience continued the Drudge Report campaign this week by running an ad featuring Jim Rogers, CEO of USCAP member Duke Energy, in Duke’s hometown of Charlotte, NC.

“The Senate is about to take up the Waxman-Markey bill in hopes of enacting it before December when President Obama goes to Copenhagen to submit the U.S. to a United Nations-run international cap-and-tax agreement,” Milloy notes.

“But for CEOs like Kleinfeld, America would not be looking down the barrel of the Waxman-Markey gun,” Milloy observed. “If you see one of them,” Milloy warns, “approach with caution and shake your head in disgust.”

The WANTED posters may be viewed at http://www.junkscience.com/Wanted