Government Electric: GE lawyer to become top federal environmental litigator

The Senate Judiciary Committee held the confirmation hearing yesterday for Ignacia Moreno to become the top federal environmental litigator at the Department of Justice.

Moreno is currently a top environmental lawyer for General Electric.

If she’s confirmed, which will probably happen later this month,  we guess this will just more of… well… as GE recently put it in a memo soliciting PAC contributions from its employees :

The intersection between GE’s interests and government action is clearer than ever.”

[Click here for YouTube video of Steve Milloy discussing this point with Fox News Channel’s Bill O’Reilly.]

Apparently, it’s not enough that GE CEO Jeff Immelt is already on President Obama’s Economic Recovery Advisory Board — and getting stimulus money in return.

Of course, maybe GE just wants to make sure that it doesn’t get sued when its Hudson River cleanup project backfires.

Does GE now stand for “Government Electric”?