More of US more strongly opposes climate bill

From Rasmussen, read it and weep climate freaks…

Thirty-five percent (35%) of Americans favor the climate change bill, while 40% are opposed to it. However, the antis feel more strongly: Twenty-six percent (26%) Strongly Oppose the bill versus 10% who Strongly Favor it…

Fifty-eight percent (58%) of Democrats support the climate control bill, while the identical number (58%) of Republicans and the plurality (47%) of adults not affiliated with either party oppose it. Thirty-nine percent (39%) of Republicans Strongly Oppose, while 20% of Democrats Strongly Favor the bill…

Among investors, 19% say it will help the economy, 37% that it will hurt, and 17% predict no impact…

Sixty-five percent (65%) of all Americans say creating jobs is more important than taking steps to stop global warming. Only 22% put curbing global warming as more important, with 14% unsure…

To paraphrase Winston Churchill in May 1941 when the Nazi battleship Bismarck was unleashed onto the high seas:

“I don’t care how you do it… You must sink the climate bill.”