4 thoughts on “Greens wreak havoc in bottled water industry”

  1. The idea of paying good money for water is silly on the face of it. Why pay more for water than soda?

  2. And what’s so bad about this? Why does it deserve a space here? If the bottlers can make enough profit to justify selling it at $2 and change, why the wreaking havoc noise? Hey, tree huggers, thank you! But of course it has nothing to do with greenies at all, it has to do with people getting a little smarter in a pinch when they should have been smarter all along. How can you possibly justify paying more for water per gallon than gasoline? Anyone got a even a mindless idea which one costs more to produce or which one is a basic commodity affecting the economic indexes of the world? I got your bottled water right here.

  3. I’d actually have to disagree with blaming this on the greens. The greens, while consistently misguided, are not the root of all evil. Bottled water was a fad. People latched on to it, and free enterprise capitalists exploited the demand for it. Fancy names, lifestyle commercials, curvy glass bottles, etc etc, bottled water was some folks way of saying “I’m so important, even my water must represent”. Sure there were those like me who saw the absurdity of 12 ounces of water costing more than 12 ounces of soda or milk. But what do I know. I was one of those losers still renting a house and saving 40% of my income.

    Then reality hit. The loans for the big houses, fancy cars, and royal water all reset, and people realized that borrowed money isn’t wealth. And with their homes and futures at stake, the first thing to go was the high society water. And that, not the greens, is the reason bottled water is sunk. Because it was a ridiculous idea, at a ridiculous price point. The greens love to scapegoat big business, and its wrong. But it’s just as wrong to scapegoat the greens when a big business big idea falls flat on its face. If anything is suprising about the collapse of the bottled water market, it should be that it took this long to happen…

  4. While the “green” groups may be one catalyst, this is most probably just “common sense” kicking in during a time of recession.

    When I’m flush with cash, I think nothing of paying 40 cents a bottle for water.

    When that 40 cents is suddenly a larger percentage of my disposable income, it’s harder to justify not just drinking tap water.

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