Real melting: Climate alarmism in California

It looks as though Al Gore will need to work on controlling public opinion rather than greenhouse gases.

Global warming alarmism and support for greenhouse gas regulation is slipping in eco-cidal California, according to a new survey by the Public Policy Institute of California.

According to the survey media release:

Most residents (66%) support the 2006 California law (AB 32) that requires greenhouse gas emissions to be reduced to 1990 levels by 2020. Support has declined 7 points from July 2008 (73%) and 12 points from 2007 (78%). The decline is sharpest among Republicans (57% 2008, 43% today).

While most see global warming as a threat (47% very serious, 28% somewhat serious) to the economy and quality of life in the state, the percentage of residents who categorize the threat as very serious has declined over the past two years (54% 2007, 52% 2008, 47% today.) Residents are divided over whether the state government should take action to reduce emissions right away (48%) or wait until the economy and state budget situation improve (46%). In July 2008, when the plan to implement AB 32 was being discussed, a majority (57%) said the government should adopt it right away rather than wait (36%).

“Californians clearly support policies to improve the environment,” says Mark Baldassare, president and CEO of PPIC. “But in the current economic climate their support has dropped a notch.”

4 thoughts on “Real melting: Climate alarmism in California”

  1. Here’s another informal poll.

    Sacramento County Library:
    Author Milloy, Steven J.
    Title Green hell : how environmentalists plan to control your life and what you can do to stop them / Steve Milloy.
    Publisher Washington, DC : Regnery Pub. ; New York : Distributed by Perseus Distribution, c2009.
    Availability 6 holds on first copy returned of 3 copies

    That is to say Green Hell has been reserved for checkout until sometime in December.

    For comparison there are 28 copies of An Inconvenient Truth on shelf. Gathering dust.

  2. Most important statistics of all:

    California’s ability to pay for or enforce ANY “Green” legislation: 0.000%

    Increase in jobs as a result of any such legislation: 0.000%
    (see above)

    Impact on climate cycles as a result of said legislation: 0.000%

    Impact on quality of human life as a result of said legislation: 0.000%

    Impact on quality of plant life as a result of said legislation – whatever %
    we reduce CO2

    Impact on disposable household income:

    The best we Californians can hope for is that any such legislation that does pass is ONLY as big a failure as the HOV lanes. I thought they were supposed to have saved the world already…

  3. Rep Dan Logue Cal dist 3 has drawn up a bill (AB 118)to rescend AB32.
    AB 118, as introduced, Logue. California Global Warming Solutions
    Act of 2006.
    The California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006 requires the
    State Air Resources Board to adopt regulations to require the
    reporting and verification of emissions of greenhouse gases and to
    monitor and enforce compliance with the reporting and verification
    program, and requires the state board to adopt a statewide greenhouse
    gas emissions limit equivalent to the statewide greenhouse gas
    emissions levels in 1990 to be achieved by 2020. The act requires the
    state board to prepare and approve a scoping plan for achieving the
    maximum technologically feasible and cost-effective reductions in
    greenhouse gas emissions. The state board is required by January 1,
    2011, to adopt greenhouse gas emissions limits and emission reduction
    measures by regulation to achieve the prescribed emission
    This bill would repeal the California Global Warming Solutions Act
    of 2006.

    If this doesn’t fly (probable), then we hope to get a simularly worded proposition on the 2010 ballot

  4. I prefer this poll as a pulse on California opinion regarding climate change.
    California Proposition 7 was a statewide ballot proposition on the November 4, 2008 ballot in California. It was defeated, earning 35.4% of the vote.[1]

    Had Proposition 7 been approved, it would have required California utilities to procure half of their power from renewable resources by 2025. It also would have required California utilities to increase their purchase of electricity generated from renewable resources by 2% annually to meet Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) requirements of 40% in 2020 and 50% in 2025.

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