Obama spares BMW, Daimler from new mileage standards

The Obama administration’s new mileage standards are not slated to apply to vehicle makers that sell fewer than 400,000 cars per year in the U.S., reports the Wall Street Journal — taking BMW, Daimler AG, Suzuki and Mitsubishi Motors off the hook.

In effect, the provision would make it easier for Mercedes to keep selling cars like its $147,000, 12-cylinder S600 sedan, rated at 13 miles per gallon, while GM or Toyota would be required to meet tougher mileage standards with smaller, more efficient cars.

Do you think that Government Motors CEO Obama realizes the competitive disadvantage at which he placed his own company?

3 thoughts on “Obama spares BMW, Daimler from new mileage standards”

  1. This administration makes it a point of pride to exclude anyone who has ever had to meet a payroll or run a company from positions of decision-making or policy-making. Experience, to this administration, only qualifies one to take orders.

  2. I am surpised, not. BHO has harmed the US every way he possibly can, militarily, economically, politically, culturally or ethically, since the very day he took office.

    I expected it to be bad but, this is nothing less than evil.

  3. Job security for Obama. After he gets run out of office he can stick around GM and try to navigate the conundrum of inprofitablility he left them in from his time as president.

    Nobody else will want to touch that job…

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