Obama-meter alert for CT, MA, NH

Northeast Utilities is applying for $100-150 million in Obama stimulus funds to install so-called “smart meters” for 200,000 customers in Connecticut, Massachusetts and New Hampshire, reports Smart Grid Today.

One if by land, two if by sea… and three if through your home’s electrical hook-up?

Paul Revere rides again to warn of Obama-meter-armed rentseekers trading consumer freedoms for taxpayer lucre.
Paul Revere rides again to warn of Obama-meter-armed rentseekers trading consumer freedoms for taxpayer lucre.

3 thoughts on “Obama-meter alert for CT, MA, NH”

  1. I guarantee they wont be hooking up a smart meter to my power usage.Freaking Marxist Commie pigs.Kiss my capitalist American ass!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Guinea Pigs! Where are the animal activist when something is being experimented on humans?

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