More Al Gore lobbying $$$

The Climate Protection Action Fund, a subsidiary of Al Gore’s Repower America, paid $60,000 to the Glover Park Group during the second quarter of 2009 for lobbying on Waxman-Markey.

We earlier reported that Al Gore’s venture capital firm, Kleiner Perkins Caulfield & Byers, paid $100,000 in lobbying fees so far in 2009.

Al Gore failed to disclose any of this when he testified in April before Congress in favor of Waxman-Markey.

Click here for the CPAF lobbying report.

ClimateWire reports that a Gore spokesman failed to respond to several requests for comment. No matter. Had the Gore camp responded, it likely would have been with a face similar to that below, when Al Gore denied at the April House hearing that he had any business relationship with Goldman Sachs.


4 thoughts on “More Al Gore lobbying $$$”

  1. I say just keep the questions coming. Gore lies a lot. I think that is obvious at this point. But he pays a price for it. Sometimes I swear I can actually see him aging as he lies. It’s like you can see his soul turning black and dying as he whores himself out to GE, Google, and anyone else looking to hire a propagandist. Pushing for-profit facism on people under the guise of good intentions is not without consequence.

    The rapidly greying hair. The swollen fat head, and the ever growing paranoia that comes with having to cover one lie with another will lead Gore to a stroke or heart attack within 2 years. That is my prediction and I assure you it has a much higher chance of coming true than any of his doomsday global warming predictions. And why wouldn’t it? The fact that Gore is a liar and a fraud is far more truthful and verifiable than any of the hokey junkscience the theory of Global Warming is built on.

    Get your over/under bets in now!!

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