Clothesline law nixed in North Carolina

North Carolina state representative Pricey Harrison has apparently visited Al Gore’s web site one too many times.

Rep. Harrison pushed a bill through the North Carolina House that would have prohibited local governments from banning clotheslines. Harrison claims,

“It’s been a real problem for folks who feel pretty adamantly they want to use clotheslines. It’s their small step that they can take toward global warming issue.”

Drying your clothes outdoors as way to slow the much-dreaded global warming is, of course, the brainchild of Al Gore and is recommended on the web site for An Inconvenient Truth.

Sadly for Pricey, the State Senate clotheslined her bill, the News-Record (Greensboro, NC) reported.

Pricey Harrison (with John Edwards) in happier times
Pricey Harrison (with John Edwards) in happier times

6 thoughts on “Clothesline law nixed in North Carolina”

  1. I could not imagine a law forcing clothesline drying in my neighborhood. A fellow a few doors down from my house is extremely heavy set (a true slob) would be hanging his nastey skivies out for us all to have to see.

  2. But drying the clothes outside leads to unregulated release of the most potent greenhouse gas known to man – H2O! Not to mention the other myriad airborne industrial chemicals that are created by UV interaction with dyes and synthetic materials.

    Better to dry your clothes inside, with a full GHG Capture and Sequestration system!

    Isn’t this a silly game?

  3. The 60’s dope heads are now in politics. Just further proof that liberalism is a mental disorder.

  4. I’ll bet the same people that protest clotheslines are avid global warming advocates.

  5. Hey it’s not funny. We use a clothesline for outside drying all the time and it gives your clothes a fresh smell you can’t get in the dryer.

    Good idea … Yes our area prohibits it, so what sue me.

    The dryer sits in the corner unused.

    It’s not a green thing with me … It’s just better.

  6. The bad news is that Rep. Harrison appears to be addicted to the green Kool-Aid. The good news is that we finally are making precedents for limiting what laws a government can enact. The door is opening. We need MORE statutory limitations on the powers of governments. Use the 10th Amendment.

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