News from the front: Utility, greens file briefs in battle over Northeast cap-and-trade scheme

We reported in March about the New York utility Indeck filing suit to declare the Northeast’s Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) unconstitutional.

Briefs have since been filed — they’ll make great holiday weekend reading!

Carbon Control News reports that the next hearing in the case is scheduled for June 12.

Kudos to Indeck for having the courage to stand against the oppression of green government.

One thought on “News from the front: Utility, greens file briefs in battle over Northeast cap-and-trade scheme”

  1. Since no real science supports any of this attack on CO2 emissions, it is simply a power grab. I do not think Indek has a snowball’s chance in hell of winning this. I am sure the judge(s) have either been bought or terrorized so they rule in favor of eco-fascism. Look at the cases dismissed for lack of “standing” trying to get to the bottom of “The One’s” citizenship and the OUTRAGEOUS REASONS for such dismissals (if any there be) conjured by the “courts” to dismiss them! I PRAY I am wrong. But I don’t think I am.

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