Dems vote down Waxman-Markey amendments that would protect consumers and the economy

Courtesy of CEI’s Myron Ebell:

“Here are some of the key votes on amendments [to the Waxman-Markey climate bill] so far. Most were straight party-line votes, but a few Democrats strayed on several votes.

  • Mike Rogers (R-MI) introduced an amendment suspending the Act if China and India don’t adopt similarly stringent emissions reductions. Defeated on a party-line vote with all members of the committee voting, 23-36.
  • Roy Blunt (R-MO) introduced an amendment suspending the Act if electricity prices go up in any region more than 10% after inflation. Defeated, 23-32.
  • Fred Upton (R-MI) introduced an amendment suspending the Act if unemployment reaches 15%. Defeated, 21-34.
  • Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) introduced an amendment requiring full disclosure to consumers of cost increases due to the Act. Defeated, 19-35.
  • Lee Terry (R-NE) introduced an amendment suspending the Act if gasoline prices hit $5. Defeated, 25-31.
  • Tim Murphy (R-PA) introduced an amendment suspending Act if 10,000 steel jobs lost. Defeated, 20-35.
  • Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) introduced an amendment prohibiting using the Clean Air Act to regulate greenhouse gases (H. R. 391).Defeated, 23-33. John Barrow of Georgia was the only Democrat who voted yes.
  • Phil Gingrey (R-GA) introduced an amendment requiring 100% auctioning of ration coupons, with proceeds going to the States. Defeated, 4-52. This vote shows how tied the Republicans as well as the Democrats are to big business special interests.”

As for a the Democrats are concerned, damn the economic and social downsides, full speed ahead on the costliest, junk science-fueled special interest boondoggle of all time.

4 thoughts on “Dems vote down Waxman-Markey amendments that would protect consumers and the economy”

  1. Unbelievable. And these deluded fools CLAIM to believe that this bill will “strengthen the economy”?!? Obviously, if they actually believed such a thing, they’d have no trouble with any of these amendments, because they’d be confident that high unemployment or outrageous gasoline prices won’t occur. So voting down these amendments proves they’re just plain liars determined to abort economic growth and cook our goose.

    We have to vote these bastards out of office!

  2. Logic and reason will not stop the blinding quest for more taxes. How do you think they plan to pay for the national health care debacle?

    Remember DDT, 10s of millions of black African children killed by malaria, and the liberals didn’t bat an eye.

    It’s all ideology with the progressives.

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