Nancy Pelosi: Haute-ing up the planet

Thanks, Nancy Pelosi. In one fell swoop, you’ve single-handedly validated Steve Milloy’s new book Green Hell.

While preaching green to a Chinese audience, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said,

“Every aspect of our lives must be subjected to an inventory … of how we are taking responsibility.”

It’s eerily similar to the Introduction to Green Hell:

The central concept of this book is that there is hardly any area that the greens consider off-limits to intrusion. There is almost no personal behavior of yours that they consider too trivial or too sacrosanct to regulate.

So let’s “inventory” Nancy Pelosi’s life:

She treats the U.S. Air Force as her own personal airline, according to documents uncovered by Judicial Watch. Air travel, after all, has a disproportionately large impact on the climate systen, according to the greens.

Pelosi has five children and seven grandchildren — each one a planetary burden, according to John Holdren, Barack Obama’s top science advisor and long-time population-control freak.

According to Holdren’s environmental impact equation Human Impact=Population x Affluence x Technology (I=PAT), Pelosi’s offspring, $25 million-plus net worth from her husband’s commercial real estate and other investments, and her penchant for jet and limo travel, there can be no doubt that Nancy Pelosi’s personal impact on the environment is quite high.

Generously assuming that the average American family of four has a net worth of $100,000, then the impact on the planet of Nancy Pelosi and her family would be at least 437 times greater, according to I+PAT — and that does not take into account her family’s energy use which is undoubtedly much greater than that of the average American family.

It might make you wonder what size shoe Pelosi wears — she favors Manolo Blahnik Kidskin Slingbacks which retail at a pricey $575 — to fit her immense carbon footprint.

I wonder if her baby goat-skin shoes come in our favorite color — hypocritical green, anyone?