Obama’s Economic Recovery ‘Advisory’ Board: Little dissent, lots of self-dealing on climate

President Obama’s so-called Economic Recovery Advisory Board held its first quarterly meeting today — it was a spectacle of the sort of self-dealing and corruption that we may rightly expect to become routine if cap-and-trade legislation passes.

After the meeting, CNBC’s Becky Quick interviewed ERAB board member John Doerr, head of the venture capital firm of Kleiner Perkins — that’s right, the very same Kleiner Perkins that has invested more than $1 billion in 40 cap-and-trade-dependent business ventures and that has Al Gore as a partner.

Doerr said that ERAB talked about the need for:

  • Green technologies;
  • Cap-and-trade; and
  • Rewarding electric utilities for selling less electricity.

Doerr also told Quick that an EPA analysis showed that cap-and-trade would cost Americans less than $100 per year. (LOL!)

But we have no reason to believe that Doerr wouldn’t say and do absolutely anything to help ram through cap-and-trade legislation that would enable his firm to steal billions of dollars from consumers and taxpayers through bogus Al Gore-endorsed “green technologies.”

If you’re thinking that Doerr is only one voice on the ERAB and that less-biased heads will prevail, think again. Here are the other ERAB members and their interests/positions on cap-and-trade:

  • Austan Goolsbee as staff director and chief economist (Obama administration);
  • William H. Donaldson, SEC Chair, 2003-05 (Obama supporter who has spoken in support of climate legislation);
  • Roger W. Ferguson, Jr., president and CEO, TIAA-CREF (TIAA-CREF promotes climate change legislation through shareholder activism and possibly stands to benefit from “green” investments);
  • Robert Wolf, chairman and CEO, UBS (sells climate change-related financial products);
  • David F. Swensen, CIO, Yale University (Yale supports climate change legislation);
  • Mark T. Gallogly, founder and managing partner, Centerbridge Partners L.P. (early Obama supporter);
  • Penny Pritzker, chairwoman, Pritzker Realty Group (Obama campaign finance chairman);
  • Jeffrey R. Immelt, CEO, GE (parent company of NBC News) (lobbying for climate legislation through USCAP);
  • John Doerr, partner at Kleiner, Perkins, Caufield & Byers (lobbying for climate legislation through Al Gore);
  • Jim Owens, chairman and CEO, Caterpillar Inc. (lobbying for climate change legislation through USCAP);
  • Monica C. Lozano, publisher & chief executive officer, La Opinion (her newspaper endorsed Obama);
  • Charles E. Phillips, Jr., president, Oracle (wants to use Oracle technology to ration electricity to consumers through a “smart grid”);
  • Anna Burger, chairwoman, Change to Win (union group that supports green jobs);
  • Richard L. Trumka, secretary-treasurer, AFL-CIO (the union has joined with greens to lobby for climate legislation);
  • Laura D’Andrea Tyson, dean, Haas School of Business at the University of California at Berkeley (Obama supporter who has advocated climate change legislation);
  • Martin Feldstein, professor of Economics, Harvard (opposes cap-and-trade)

So of the 16 members of Obama’s Economic Recovery Advisory Board, only one (Feldstein) opposes cap-and-trade. At least six (Immelt, Owens, Doerr, Ferguson, Wolf, Phillips) expect direct financial benefits from cap-and-trade. The remaining members are either Obama supporters/employees or union representatives. Taxpayers, consumers and non-rent-seeking businesses have been left out in the cold.

Click here for the Quick-Doerr interview. Don’t miss Green Hell endorser Larry Kudlow’s anti-green fusillade at the end.

Republicans may finally get it: Big business is the enemy

This memo from the Minority Staff of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee indicates that Republicans are finally starting to understand that big business is the enemy of taxpayers, consumers and, well, freedom itself, when global warming is concerned.

By themselves, Al Gore and the greens lack the credibility and the lobbyists to put the carbon choke-hold on our economy. But big business — like the members of the U.S. Climate Action Partnership — are providing what the Gore-greens lack.

Moreover, USCAP members are doing their best to silence business lobby groups that should be leading the fight against global warming legislation like the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and Business Roundtable.

Corpocracy — a marriage of big business to government that is detrimental to consumers, taxpayers and freedom — is here.