Al Gore: ‘No time’ to talk about nuke power

House Energy and Commerce Committee Hearing Update:

Al Gore ducked talking about talking about nuclear power as a solution to carbon emissions by saying something to the effect that, “I don’t want to take up the Committee’s time by talking about nuclear power.”

This wasn’t exactly true as Gore then said he supported nuclear power but then went on to scare the Committee about nuclear proliferation (i.e., Iran and North Korea).

C-SPAN misleads America about Al Gore

C-SPAN is right now (11am ET) broadcasting the House Energy and Commerce Committee hearing on the Waxman-Markey Bill. When Al Gore is on screen, C-SPAN describes him only as the “Founder and Chairman” of the Alliance for Climate Protection — conveniently ignoring his role as a partner in the venture capital firm of Kleiner Perkins and Generation Investment Management, both of which stand to profit handsomely from global warming legislation.

The big question for today is whether any congressman will query Al Gore on his financial conflicts of interest at today’s hearing.

Bill O’Reilly spotlights climate corruption

The Free Enterprise Action Fund, managed by Green Hell author Steve Milloy and Tom Borelli, has been trying for four years to get Americans to pay attention to the government-corporate corruption involved in cap-and-trade legislation, particularly with respect to General Electric.

The story has gotten worse now that GE’s NBC unit has become essentially a PR firm for advancing the global warming agenda and, in the case of MSNBC, a cheerleader for President Obama.

Fox News Channel’s Bill O’Reilly spotlighted the ugly story last night.

Check out this YouTube video of O’Reilly on with Glenn Beck.

Experts: ‘Realism’ needed in energy planning

Former Energy Secretary James Schlesinger and renewable energy expert Robert L. Hirsh opine in the Washington Post today,

Why are we ignoring things we know? We know that the sun doesn’t always shine and that the wind doesn’t always blow. That means that solar cells and wind energy systems don’t always provide electric power. Nevertheless, solar and wind energy seem to have captured the public’s support as potentially being the primary or total answer to our electric power needs…

Realistically, however, solar and wind will probably only provide a modest percentage of future U.S. power. Some serious realism in energy planning is needed, preferably from analysts who are not backing one horse or another.

Climate Bribery: Dems move to buy-off utilities with free credits

The Wall Street Journal reports this morning that,

House Democrats are weighing a plan to give some of the nation’s biggest polluters a 10-year cushion from the impact of greenhouse-gas regulations to get a cap-and-trade system in place now.

Under the proposal, electric utilities would get free permits to emit carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases for as long as ten years, after which they would gradually begin paying. In exchange, utilities would be required to shield consumers and businesses from higher electricity rates during that time. They would also make investments in conservation and renewable energy to lessen the industry’s reliance on coal.

“We’re going to have some of the money allocated to ratepayers,” said House Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman Henry Waxman (D., Calif.) “How much and what percentage, I don’t know.”

Keep in mind that the federal government’s printing presses are churning out more dollars than ever before — so there’s plenty of money to buy-off everyone. Why didn’t anyone think of Zimbabwe-ing our way to green paradise before?

Green Hell cracks Amazon Bestseller list!

Steve Milloy’s new book Green Hell: How Environmentalists Plan to Control Your Life and What You Can Do to Stop Them cracked’s Bestsellers in Books list (Top 100 selling books), coming in at #85 early this morning.

Thanks to all for helping to make the book a success!

RFK Jr: Obama an ‘indentured servant’ of coal industry

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. called Barack Obama an “indentured servant” of the coal industry, according to ABC News. According to the report:

“Clean coal is a dirty lie,” says environmentalist Robert F. Kennedy Jr., who calls President Barack Obama and other politicians who commit taxpayer money to develop it “indentured servants” of the coal industry.

Last month RFK Jr prescribed “eternity in jail” for a coal CEO. When the greens take over, Barack Obama may just get the same sort of scrutiny that he’s planning for the Bush administration with respect to terrorist interrogation!

Greens: Waste not an energy solution

About a chicken manure-to-energy project in Dayton, VA, the director of the Chesapeake Climate Action network told the Washington Post that,

“It does not make sense to try to solve a waste problem as an energy solution. It is an unproven technology that is going to serve only to delay and confuse the real solutions in Virginia, which are energy efficiency and true renewable energy like wind and solar.”

Although the greens fret about chicken manure run-off to the Chesapeake Bay, they oppose a clean and sensible solution to that problem. This should come as no surprise since their real goal is to put Eastern Shore chicken farmers out of business.

NY Times: Less water for less development in Wyoming

The New York Times editorialized today in favor of depriving westerners of water in order to reduce development. From its editorial entitled “De-Watering Wyoming,” the Times wrote:

A developer named Aaron Million has proposed to build a private, 560-mile-long, 10-foot-high pipeline from Wyoming’s Green River Basin, along Interstate 80, and then south along Colorado’s Front Range to Denver and Colorado Springs. The pipeline is meant to carry water — more than 80 billion gallons a year. Last week, the Army Corps of Engineers presented the proposal in the town of Green River, Wyo., where it was met with outrage…

The path to sustainability for the Front Range is less development, not more.

Beware of environmentalists uttering “sustainability”; it’s green-speak for “no development.”