Nike, Starbucks, Timberland lobby to enslave you

Next time you have a choice on athletic gear, coffee, shoes or casual clothing, think twice about purchasing goods from Nike, Starbucks, Timberland and Levi Strauss.

Each of these consumer products companies is a member of Ceres, a green group lobbying for “strong U.S. climate and energy legislation in 2009.”

Representatives from Nike, Starbucks, Timberland, and Levi Strauss — a.k.a “useful green idiots” — will appear at a breakfast event sponsored by Ceres on Thursday March 12, 2009 at the Willard Hotel In Washington, D.C. EPA administrator Lisa Jackson will open the event at 8am.

Aside from these companies aiding and abetting the anti-American green agenda, it’s difficult to fathom how premium consumer products companies plan to profit by harming the economy.

Take action:

Buy products from other companies.

If you own the stock of these companies, think about dumping it.

Steve Milloy discusses how the greens are using capitalism against capitalism in his upcoming book, Green Hell: How Environmentalists Plan to Control Your Life and What You Can Do to Stop Them.

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