Another Vote for Totalitarianism

UN Climate climate executive secretary Christiana Figueres says those Chinese have the right kind of government.
Totalitarians are so efficient. Just do it.
Would it surprise you to know that Figueres is an algore acolyte?
Here’s what Prof Lubos Motl has to say in response to Ms Figueres’ assertions.
From Mark Morano and the Folks at Climate Depot and CFACT
Former Harvard Physicist Dr. Lubos Motl of Czech Republic Comments on UN’s Christiana Figueres: ‘The totalitarian system rocks while democracy sucks!’ –
Motl: ‘The actual goal of the climatism is to liquidate democracy, freedom, and prosperity in the world.’ – ‘Figueres’ totalitarian advertisements are indefensible by the struggle to reduce the CO2 emissions because China’s CO2 emissions were actually growing significantly more quickly than America’s emissions in recent years – and China overtook the U.S. as the world’s #1 producer of CO2 six years ago or so’ – ‘The goal of these “people” is to stop democracy, freedom, and prosperity regardless of the fate of Nature, the temperatures, or the CO2 concentrations.’

Federal Agency Drug War and Gun Running

I have made my case that recreational drugs are bad for the culture and for individuals.
Many oppose efforts to control drug trafficking and the corrupting effect of criminalization.
This essay affirms some of their points. Imagine ATF providing guns for gangs running drugs who then kill Mexicans and a US Border Patrol agent.