6 thoughts on “The Times (UK) attacks Musk for permitting freedom of climate reality”

  1. Great to see you getting coverage in the top Echelon of the MSM, Steve….
    Earl Nightingale talked disparagingly [&uncharacteristically] about the 95% of people ”Who let the newspapers & the gossiping neighbors do their thinking for them”
    Somehow, someone has to get these people to start looking around at the actual situation & ask themselves if the MSM is representing the real world… A 3-digit IQ is adequate for this if it can be prodded into action…………………….
    THEN, of course we all have to act more strongly in a manner maximizing the efficient use of the planet’s resources…This is the REAL challenge……….

  2. “ climate scientists have reported a significant increase in climate denial tweets.”

    They should read the tweets instead of just fretting over their detractors followers.

  3. It is the relic media who are climate change deniers.

    Climate is always changing.

    They suppose it can be forced by man into stasis.

    Now with just a little more CO2 in the air, earth is breathing better.

    More CO2. More vegetation. More animal life. More people life.

    The real climate deniers actually prefer less life.

    Those of us who value CO2 from fossil fuels are the TRUE Green Party.

    They are the ones who are anti-enviromental.

    They are anti-green.

    Moreover, they are racists who deny poor people of color access to affordable life enriching electric power and transportation by the wonderful God-given gift of fossil fuels.

    May they suffer a great judgment for barring the poorest among us from this wonderful gift God has given to mankind.

    Energy for me. But not for thee.

    Would it not be an incredible irony if the Climate Brat (Thunberg) becomes wise as she grows up and denies the lies she has been indoctrinated with?

    That would be precious.

  4. You are correct, stpaulchuck, I hope I didn’t imply that “the science is settled”.

  5. as for “the science is settled”…

    “If you are not allowed to debate it, it’s not science.” [various]

  6. This made me chuckle. I suppose I would be called one of those new “climate change deniers” according to The Times (UK).
    I got a Twitter login a decade ago but hated Twitter for a long time for stifling the tweets that I really wanted to see.
    I still have only a handful of followers on Twitter because I don’t put out anything new, I just re-tweet the best of the best info that supports the reality of climate change – that the climate is always changing but us puny humans are short sighted and can barely remember things like the little ice age and the dust bowl.
    I’m an old lady and remember when we were doomed because of an impending ice age in the 70’s. I was an impressionable teenager at the time. I’ve watched the crisis change from “we’re going to freeze to death” to “we’re going to fry.” If it wasn’t so amusing it would be very depressing.
    We need deniers because we need balance. The conversations need to happen. The science needs discussing, not controlled by the state or state actors. Maybe I am following the “wrong science”, but I’m willing to risk that.
    I’m glad you’re here Steve, another voice that helps us all be part of the discussion.

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