Running Away: Yet another fake Nobel claims bites the dust, courtesy of

The University of Montana’s Steve Running has been de-Nobeled.

Running is yet another warmist who has falsely claimed to be a Nobelist. Below are images from his web site:

Runningt Nobel 1

Running Nobel 2

Running Nobel 3

Both Running and the University of Montana have exploited these false claims as revealed by this Google search result:

Running Nobel 2

Though others have raised Running’s false claim previously (see below image), the claims remained on Running’s University of Montana web page.

Running 1

Over the weekend, JunkScience contacted Running’s department chairman, Edwin Burke, about the false claims as follows:

Screen Shot 2015-10-07 at 8.55.03 AM copy

While JunkScience has not heard back from Burke, Running’s web pages are no longer available on the Internet as follows:

X Running 2

X Running 1

This success comes on the heels of the de-Nobeling of George Mason University’s Jagadish Shukla and Penn State’s Michael Mann.

Three de-Nobels in the space of a week is pretty good.

5 thoughts on “Running Away: Yet another fake Nobel claims bites the dust, courtesy of”

  1. Working on a Nobel to award to a Nobel Prize winner that blombs another Nobel winner; Obama bombs Dr’s Without Borders. It will have to be very special.

  2. johnstoirvin: Unfortunately, Obama ‘legitimately’ was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2009 – notably for what he was *expected* to accomplish. This just shows how much the Peace Prize was devalued over the years. Personally I lost all respect for the Peace Prize when it was awarded to Linus Pauling for touting megavitamin therapy – mid-20th-century quack medicine.

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