Barron’s: Obamacare F-up ought to make us think twice (or more) about Obama’s coal-to-gas switcheroo

Jim MacTague writes at Barrons: Continue reading Barron’s: Obamacare F-up ought to make us think twice (or more) about Obama’s coal-to-gas switcheroo

Michael Mann still seething at Climategate reporter; Fred Pearce a ‘bad apple’ in Guardian barrel

Here’s Mann-child’s tweet: Continue reading Michael Mann still seething at Climategate reporter; Fred Pearce a ‘bad apple’ in Guardian barrel

Warmist admits original global warming theory kaput: Surface temp change out, ‘overall heat accumulation’ in

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice… Continue reading Warmist admits original global warming theory kaput: Surface temp change out, ‘overall heat accumulation’ in