Surber: Drill, baby, drill works

“We must fight the EPA and return it to working on actual pollution and not made up crap.”

Don Surber writes at the Daily Mail (Charleston, WV):

Thanks to capitalism, millions of America’s poor are paying less to heat their homes this winter. The middle class and even the rich are saving money because capitalists have found a cheaper way to drill for natural gas on American soil. That increases supply, which drops the prices — by 35% this winter over last winter — but the capitalists still profit because drilling this way dropped their costs.

Not only that, but the natural gas from this drilling has resulted in cheaper feedstock for plastics, ammonia and fertilizer.

The natural gas feedstock supplants oil-based feedstock, thus reducing our dependency on foreign oil.

What is the reaction from liberals?

Ban the drilling. No more fracking, particularly in teh Marcellus shale beneath most of Appalachia…

Mitt Romney should go to Pennsylvania and promise not interfere with this commerce.

The EPA is playing on people’s fears by using junk science to gain control of a drilling process that government officials know little about…

Read Surber’s entire column.

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